Grades for mountain bike trails can be fairly different around the world. From grade 1, blue, advanced through to double black diamond.. you get the idea. Here is a summary of how grading works here in New Zealand. On our mountain biking tours, we do our best to get groups together that all ride at the same ability so that we can show them the best riding for their skill level. That is why we are here, to plan the perfect trails for your next mountain biking trip. Check out our interpretation below to see how our trails compare.
New Zealand Moutain Biking Grades
Skill level
Trail Type

Fitness level
1. OCCASIONALLY ACTIVE – can handle 2-3 hours on the bike
2. WEEKEND WARRIOR – will happily ride for 3+ hours, climb moderate hills and loves a refreshing beverage at the end of the ride but could always be doing more riding!
3. MOUNTAIN BIKING IS WHAT I DO – on the bike 3+ times a week, talks mountain bikes at every opportunity, at their local bike shop way too often, always planning their next ride.
Going from one mountain biking area to the next, it can be hard to gauge what the riding is going to be like. We know, we’ve been there, done that. That is why we are here, to plan the perfect trails for your next mountain biking trip. Check out the playlists below to see how we grade our trails.
Grade 3 Examples
Grade 4 Examples
Suitable trips: Hero Dirt Rotorua, Moerangi Heli Biking, Redwood Private Shuttles, Private lessons
Grade 5 Examples
Suitable trips: Hero Dirt Rotorua, Moerangi Heli Biking, Redwood Private Shuttles, Private lessons