
Best ways to keep riding during winter

Tips to keep riding when the weather is wet

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5 Tips to keep you riding in the wetter months

Sometimes we have some kind of commitment and we just have to get the rain jacket on and go for a pedal. Be sensible, it is really REALLY hard on the trails when they are wet and soft! If you can avoid riding, you should. If you are meeting mates, go for coffee first, then stop for hot chips after so you can still be social without the guilt of SMASHING out so many TRAILS.

  • Keep a close eye on the weather forecast. Riding when it is literally bucketing down and there is a lot of surface water should be avoided at all costs. Get out before or after the heaviest rain so it has a chance to drain. We keep a close eye on the weather and if it’s looking brutally wet, we give the option to postpone or cancel the night before (we will be fine with a jacket, but it’s the trails we are worried about).
  • Choose trails that you know don’t have puddles. Where there are puddles, there is very soft dirt so you will definitely be making those puddles deeper. If you know there is a trail that holds up really well in the wet, stick to those ones. If you know that you are just going to be causing damage at every turn, stay home.
  • Pick trails that are well within your limits. Trails get harder because they generally get slipperier in the wet. When we get nervous we tend to brake more, this is a sure way to churn up the dirt. If you are skidding when it is soft and wet, you will be doing damage. Pick easy trails that are well drained (like Arepa) so that you are on the brakes less and letting those tires roll confidently with NO SKIDDING!
  • If you just have to ride, ride more of the gravel roads than you normally would. It’s pretty gnarly because of the weather and you are exposed, but you are still able to get a workout, you are still out on your bike, and you are not munching trails!
  • Go dig some drains instead. This way everybody wins. You get some exercise, you get to walk a trail and see the lines from a different point of view, and you boost your trail karma points through the roof!

Your local trail association always appreciates volunteers at dig days, donations, and memberships. Our local is the Rotorua Trails Trust. If you ride somewhere regularly it is always good to give back! It is the best way to show your appreciation for the good times.

Check out our YouTube channel to see the bike in action as I chase people down all of the trails in Rotorua and NZ!

New Zealand Mountain Biking offers trips for a variety of mountain bikers. From half day lessons through to 8 day custom trips for hard core riders – we have you covered. Get in touch to see how we can make your experience in New Zealand one for the history books!

Don’t forget to get in touch to come mountain biking in Rotorua. We offer lessons and tours of up to 7 days!

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